Saturday, April 13, 2019

QDOBA - 5 items to Zero Waste eating

What does it take to eat Zero Waste at QDOBA? Five simple things can help you eat without creating any landfill.
1. Fork/utensil of your choice
2. Cloth napkin
3. Your own water bottle
4. To-Go container from home
5. Compost
I ordered the vegetarian bowl and asked for both black and pinto beans for additional protein. Following this, the kind worker put on my favorite fixings. A simple request to not have the bowl put on a metal pan with wax paper was obliged. Finally, I ordered a drink and informed the cashier that I had my own cup. She granted me some savings and only charged me for a refill.
As you can see below I enjoyed all of it. The to-go container wasn't needed. Upon my return home, a simple tearing up of the bowl and discard in the compost bin concluded a healthy, nutritious, and Zero Waste lunch.
My dog was able to help "prepare" the bowl for compost. This step isn't needed; however, she liked the sour cream.

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